West Moors: short notes of interest

The files on this page are in Adobe pdf format: they are an assorted collection of notes I have produced over several years relating to West Moors, its history and environment, both ‘natural’ and ‘built’. Note that they will open in a new tab in your browser – this leaves this page open. Remember to close any tabs you don’t want to use.

These two files (below) were written and produced by me for insertion onto the West Moors Parish Council web site, which from 2012 I helped edit – I look after the ‘Community’ pages (and act as ‘custodian/curator’ of the images available from the previous web site) and the parish office look after the ‘Council’ side of things. The ‘Village Trail’ was a feature of the pre-2012 site, and I simply updated & expanded the text, adding more photographs and links to maps etc. The ‘Nature Trail’ is the companion to the above, and is my own creation – trying to show the ‘other’ side of life in West Moors and how much natural history is present on our doorstep. The files are periodically updated – to see the latest versions, go to the town council web site . . . HERE

These two files (below) were written and produced by me: the railway history in 2016 to mark the 60th anniversary of the civil parish of West Moors and the churches history in 2018.

In 2012 and 2013,  I wrote a short series of articles for a local free advertising magazine, “The West Moors Directory”. This file (below) contains the text of those articles, with a few images – not all of which were used in the publication.

In 2013, once I had started cataloging the parish image collection, I produced the four files (below) to be loaded onto the parish web site under the link “History”: very occasionally, I revisit the files to make sure there are no gross errors, but broadly, these aren’t amended to any great extent. The general title is …. ” West Moors: A History in Images”, then there are three ‘district’ files (central, north & south/Pinehurst, with the final one covering the old railway.